7 signs you have a covert narcissist in your life | You sacrifice your everything to become their nothing

Did you ever heard the story about the frog and the scorpion trying to cross a river? Scorpion promises it won’t sting the frog if he can ride on the frog’s back. Half way across the scorpion stings the frog, even though it means they will both drown. When the frog asks why, the scorpion answers: “I’m a scorpion, it’s just in my nature to sting and I couldn’t help myself".

1. You sacrifice your everything to become the narcissist´s nothing.

You fulfill and support the narcissists wants and needs while your wants and needs are never being met. You sacrifice your needs, wants, dreams, goals and your life to become their nothing, a prisoner, a caged stuffed animal left regularly on the shelf being promised everything and delivered nothing, you sacrifice your everything just to become their toy to be played with, an object to be treated inhumanly and a disposable stepping stone to be used for their selfish agenda. Their agenda that does not benefit you at all nor brings you any happiness to your life. They do not treat you like a human, you internalize it and after enough time spend with the narcissists, you will stop treating yourself as a human too. They are the ultimate Troyan horse - once the narcissistic virus enters your operating system, it programs you to self destruct. The psychopaths have at least the courage to kill the people, the narcissists are weak and cowardly, they will bully you into the suicide and kill you in a "legal" way without even putting their hands on you.

2. The narcissists put you down so they can feel better about themselves.

The narcissists are weak, pathetic and cowardly - they are fragile individuals and thats why they use other people as a regulator of their emotions instead of fixing their own deep rooted issues. They make other people responsible and pay for their own fragility. They belittle, minimize, guilt trip, shame you and put you down in a passive-aggressive way on purpose so they can feel better about themselves. The narcissists have a very low self esteem, a very low self worth and no self love so they regulate their constant emotions of feeling like a shit by turning the brains of other people into the scrambled eggs and their victim´s self esteem into the broken mirrors. They manufacture the reality to seems like they have the power and you are the powerless. They always have to put and position people below them to have control and power over them. They are lowest of the lowest form of humankind and once they are finished with you, you will find yourself in a very dark place. They promise you a heaven but deliver you the hell. The narcissists live in a fantasy land and with their magical thinking, they have the fantasies that all people are below them and they are superior to others, even to God. In the disordered narcissist´s mind, they live in a disillusion that they are better than other people. They pretend they are Superman while they are the Joker. They attack other people´s self esteem on purpose. And over time, if you spent enough time with the narcissists, you can notice that your self esteem decreased tremendously and you start to feel depressed. If you have been a confident person before meeting the narcissist, today you feel like you are not even capable to choose your favorite yogurt in a grocery store. You became only an empty shell and a shadow of the vibrant person you used to be. If you had a few little insecurities before you met the narcissists, they make your insecurities 150 times bigger to the point that your panic attacks prevent you to get out of the house or even out of your bed. The narcissists hate when you feel good about yourself and they will be very quick to "correct" the situation so you can always feel shitty around them or even years after they abandon you. 

3. The narcissists are back stabbers and they hate something good happening to other people.

They stub you from the  back and then ask you: "Are you ok? Can we still be friends?" Then they stub you some more. It´s impossible to have any relationship with the covert narcissists because they keep stubbing you to your back. They never confront their victims from front, they operate solely from the back (just like Judas). They are very shady individuals always lurking and hiding in the shadows just like Dracula (and just like Dracula - when you shine a bit of a light on them, they run like the cowards), always gossiping and destroying other people´s life by back stubbing. Then they hide behind the flying monkey´s backs sending those manipulated and manipulative flying crazy bananas to attack the victims or to clean their mess (aka, by covering the mess with even bigger mess). They watch you fall with blind death stare doing nothing to help you (and even they are the reason why you are falling). They enjoy to see you fail and they will do everything in their power to make it happen. They are extracting negative narcissistic supply from you and feeding of your pain in a very malicious way. They pretend to be your cheerleader and it takes you even years to understand that they have been your greatest hater from the day one. They have very demonic spirit. They hate to see something good happening to other people. They pretend helping you but what they are really doing is sabotaging you and standing in your way while smiling in your face and pretending to be your friend. They frustrate you and subliminally abuse you in the most ridiculous way and when you finally stand up for yourself, they label you "rude" or "crazy". They can feel good only when they make everybody around them miserable.

4. The narcissists have terrible sense of humor and they use it as a weapon to put others down.

The narcissists have terrible sense of humor. You have to be seriously disordered or seriously paid (I mean, in million dollars) to laugh at their jokes. While they are super hypersensitive towards themselves and nobody can tell any joke about them, they regularly running around joking about others (aka, putting other people down with the covert subliminal insults). They only consider the joke funny when they can make fun of other people´s misfortune or pain. When they are around genuinely happy people, they will find the way to destroy the happy mood or they will give you the silent treatment as a punishment. They hate happy people because they are death Dracula inside of them. They have no capacity to feel genuine positive feelings inside of them. They can fake it, but they do not feel it. Happy people do not run around destroying other people´s life, do they? Truly happy healthy people lifting others up, not putting them down.

5. The narcissists have energy like Voldemort.

Being around the narcissists drain you because the narcissists are energy vampires and they have energy like Voldemort. They suck the life force out of their victims just like Dementors sucked the energy from poor Harry Potter. When you spend enough time around the narcissists, your mental, spiritual and physical health decreases tremendously (including losing yourself, your identity and smile). They are the passion killers. Have you been passionate about something or about life in general before you met the narcissists? I bet while you are reading this article you lie in a bed totally paralyzed wanting to die once the narcissists finished you and you are scrolling this blog from the last drops of energy left in your body. Once passionate person, now you feel in a pain or numb. No worry. We, the light workers, are already pulling the wands out yelling: "Expecto Patronum"! Its time to be courageous, my dear, we are going through the "emotional dark age". Follow the light!

6. The narcissists are the "success illusionists" and the cemetery is full of dead bodies behind them because of their disillusions.

Most of the narcissists pretend they are rich and powerful but in most cases, if you look closer, they are in debt buying the expensive items to fake selfies on the social medias to "prove" other people that they are better then the rest of the world while behind the closed doors they are so cheap, they would cut your finger off with the scissors for 20 dollars because they are crazy and greedy. If they succeed for real, its because they kissed too many asses, sucked to many dicks, manipulated their Curriculum vitae, manufactured their "achievements" to make them seem and sound better than they really are, destroyed other people´s life, slept with someone´s else wife or husband to climb the ladder, get fired good and hard working people with their lies, gossips and smear campaigns, they stubbed too many people in the backs, the cemetery is full of dead bodies behind them and everywhere they infiltrate. They steal other people´s ideas, identities (because they have non) and money to reach their goals. Everybody hates them because they have no integrity (the flying monkeys do not count as they are shitty people the same as the narcissist and they lack of integrity too). They sacrifice other people´s safety, feelings, properties, money, health, life for their selfish obsessive disillusions. Even Voldemort feels ashamed of them because they have no class, dignity and self-respect. If you look closer into the narcissist´s life, they often do not have their shits together, they are only creating an illusion to cover the fact that their life is fake the same way as their fake personalities (aka "false self masks"). The social medias are play-ground of the narcissists where they are in a constant competition with Oprah, Bill Gates, Kim Kardashian and basically everybody because they are deadly jealous and envy individuals. And I mean, deadly. They always sprinkle golden confetti over their poo to gaslight you.

7) The narcissists claim they hate drama while they love it!

The narcissists always claim they hate drama while there is no one in the world who is more surrounded by drama than them. They are the creators of all of that drama. If you lived with the narcissist, you probably spent a lot of time either listening to their nonsense drama, protecting yourself from their drama or fixing their problems caused by their drama. They triangulate people so those people fight and hate each other for manufactured reasons. Then the narcissists take a popcorn, sit on the coach and watch the havoc they created with a smirk on their face. Make no mistake, they love it! They can´t live without it! They feed of it! And if they can even destroy someone´s else life in the process, even better. The narcissistic abusers love to keep their victims feeling off-balance and to take them on an emotional roller-coaster, they feed of the confusion, internal chaos they have inflicted upon their victims. It is a narcissistic supply for them. They put the straw into their victims and drink their energy like its a delicious cocktail. They consider other people to be Mario Bross and they play video games with other people´s life.

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