Inside the mind of a dark triad | Signs of a narcissistic sociopath (narcopath) and a narcissistic psychopath (antisocial personality disorder)

The sociopathy and psychopathy (antisocial personality disorder) more often than not co-morbid with the narcissism. The cluster B traits often over-lap and most of the sociopaths and psychopaths are also the narcissists. This deadly cocktail of narcissism mixed with sociopathy and psychopathy makes even the Evil look like the toddler. The individuals with the dark triad personality is a black hole sucking and devouring everything and everybody around them. Here are signs to watch out for:

The dark triad predators have a strong urge to exploit others.

When the dark triad predators sense even the little level of weakness and vulnerability in others, they have a strong and uncontrollable urge to prey upon that. They have a malignant intuition to sniff other people´s insecurities and fears and they either use it for their benefits or turn them against people and destroy them.
Hurting others brings the dark triad predators a malignant joy and a sense of sensation.

Everything is a game to the dark triad predators. They can´t control the urgency to fulfill their sensation by playing the chess with other people´s life and see them in pain. They are the professional chasers of sensations and they get a great pleasure from outsmarting other people. They always have to win and others always have to lose. They will not stop hunting their prey down until their prey loses. They thrive on dopamine rush when they lie and manipulate other people. It gives them a sense of power and control over their victims. They pathologically lie and often times they believe their own lies to the point they can be very convincing when lying. We see it in a nature every day - the predators in an animal kingdom always play with their "food" before they kill their prey. They just can´t help themselves.

The dark triad predators use extreme manipulations, entitlement and superficial charm to scam people from resources.

The dark triad predators hypnotize and put spell on people with their superficial charm. Their charm is very magnetic. The word "charm" comes from the black magic and it is a form of a spell. The narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths can be overly charming company who shower people with a massive amount of the flattery, they always find the right words to trick people to make them do what the narcissistic predators want them to do. The dark triad predators imitate the sympathy and use their hyper sexuality, seductive nature and extreme manipulations as a tool to achieve their goals. They have a malignant intuition on how to pick the right targets, their choice is never random. Just like the predators in the animal kingdom, the dark triad predators target the easiest prey - the youngest (the naive), the most vulnerable, the oldest of the pack, the ones alone that have got lost from their pack and the injured. They target a resourceful people, people with low self esteem or people who are vulnerable and grieving. The dark triad predators observe others to figure out what are the triggers and desires of the targets and they become everything the victims have been dreaming about. The perfect soulmate. The narcopaths and psychopaths feel like they do not need to work hard to earn the life due to their sense of entitlement and grandiosity. Instead, they slowly program, mold and turn their targets into their host on which they parasite. They see people as their "servants". While they hide their resources carefully from the victims, they feel entitled to waste resources, time, energy, effort of their host. They do not stop parasiting on others until they bleed people dry. They want to gain as much as possible and invest as little as possible. As time progresses, they require more and more while they invest less and less. The victims endlessly pour into the narcissistic predator´s bucket full of holes - nothing is good enough, no amount is enough for the narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. The more the victims pour, the more disrespect they get from the narcissistic abusers. If the dark triad predators seem to be generous to others, its only a manipulative tactic. Its "an investment" and they will get their investment back ten times fold in the discard stage of the narcissistic abuse cycle. They always carefully calculate and plan on how to extract the resources from their host. Their motto is: "What is mine is mine, what is yours is also mine". They never appreciate anything people does for them. The dark triad predators are selfish and self centered, they do care only about themselves. If they see someone "useless" for their agenda, they turn the back to those people or discard them in the most cruel way overnight. They do not respect other people´s boundaries and privacy - they borrow other people´s stuff without asking and they never return them, they feel entitled to steal other people´s stuff and money, they use people´s resources like its their own, they try to gain the full control over people´s finances, they go through other people´s diaries, wallets and drawers and they do not see anything wrong with that. They feel entitled to other people´s resources and stuff even it is not their business at all. The narcissistic predators are irresponsible with their finances and they often ruin other people´s finances too. Once people deal with the dark triad predators, its very hard to get out of their claws as the predators always design their web of deception in a master way bringing people into the desperate situations with no way out. Its not uncommon that they bring people even into the homelessness or bankruptcy. Being overly charming is a red flag.

The dark triad predators do not take "no" as an answer.

The dark triad predators are motivated by positive rewards and they can´t delay gratification. Say no to the narcissists, sociopaths or psychopaths and you will see their true face. First, they try to extract the narcissistic supply from their victims by being on a good terms with them - they know exactly how to use the sweet vocabulary and imitate the sympathy to get what they want from their victims. If the victims say "no" to their requirements, the dark triad predators flip the script - they start to pressure the victims to change their "no" into "yes", they start to bully their targets into doing or buying what the predators want, they give the victims a sense of urgency to fulfill their requirements and they can even escalate the situation out of the proportions with their anger, outbursts and rage. The extreme manipulators do not do well with people who are prone to think critically, those who posses a healthy level of paranoia, those who listen to their gut and intuition and those who has a capacity to validate their own reality and validate themselves.

The dark triad predators feel no guilt or remorse when hurting others.

Unlike the narcissists, the psychopaths do not feel any remorse, guilt and shame when they are hurting, using and abusing other people. The narcissists are shame based individuals who hurt, use and abuse others and they feel shame by doing so (however, they feel ashamed only for being caught, not for actual actions they have done). The narcissist´s whole world revolves around maintaining and protecting their fake image and "false self mask", they deeply care what their audience thinks about them. On the other hand, the psychopaths do not care at all about what people thinks about them. 

The dark triad predators are the control freaks.

The dark triad predators are pathologically hungry for power and they are control freaks. With their aggressive greedy nature, they go through the dead bodies to achieve their goals. They are fueled by taking over other people´s life, their minds, their emotions, their finances to the point they occupy 95% of the victim´s life and energy life force. They want to control everything the victims are thinking, feeling and doing. If they can´t control the victims, then they will do everything in their power to control at least the victim´s environment and other people in victim´s life. They turn people into their puppets with no will to live or leave. The narcissistic predators manage the victim´s life and schedule and make others dependent on them. They create codependency in people on purpose to have a power and control over them - financially, spiritually, physically, sexually, mentally and emotionally. Over time, the victims lose their autonomy and become the puppets in the predator´s hands.

The dark triad predators isolate the victims on purpose.

The narcissists, sociopaths and the psychopaths isolate the victims from the people of the narcissistic abuser´s past. The predators prevent the truth about them to be revealed to their victims. The dark triad predators isolate the victims even from the victim´s own family, friends, social circle or any other support to gain the full control over the victims. By isolation of the victims, the predators prevent the victim´s support group to notice the ongoing abuse. Also, the narcissistic predators divide and conquer - they prevent people they triangulate and smear campaign to compare their notes. They even brainwash the victims to start hating on their beloved ones who love them and care about them. The dark triad predators isolate the victims to secure them as the exclusive narcissistic supply as they are jealous and envy of sharing the attention with other people. 

The dark triad predators lack of impulse control, they are reckless and have a chaotic behavior.

The dark triad predators feel entitled to be the sun in the victim´s life - everything must revolve solely around them. Being in a long term relationships with a dark triads make people feel helpless and exhausted. The narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths have a hard time to control their behavior. Their decisions are impulsive without consideration of consequences. Their life is in a constant chaos and they include everybody into their chaos. They often break rules, law and moral codex. They go from one extreme to the other extreme and they are never grounded somewhere in the middle like normal people does. They are danger to people´s life with their risky behavior. The narcissists care about themselves very much but they do not care about other people. The psychopaths lack of self-preservation - they do not care about the safety of themselves thus everybody around them are automatically unsafe too. They put at risk even their family, their children and pets as they have no regards for other people´s safety. They drive recklessly, they hazard with life savings of their family, they take their small children on risky and dangerous trips. They prone to boredom, they have pathological need for constant stimulation so sometimes they hurt others just for their pure entertainment. They are fueled with greed and if it benefits them, they destroy other people´s life (this includes also their own family members, children, pets, best friend, etc.). 

The dark triad predator´s egoism, lack of responsibility and accountability.

The narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths never take any responsibility and accountability for their own actions. If they did something wrong, they will never admit it, rather they always blame and gaslight others. They use people as the cleaners of their mess. They feel entitled never to say "sorry" for their wrong doings and if they do, its  fake and they apologize only because their apology brings them benefits or secure their narcissistic supply. They would go as far as killing people as a prevention of their "false self mask" being uncovered or shifting the blame for their wrong doings to other people, even if it means it will destroy other people´s life. When confronted, they use fear and rage to intimidate people so those people stop asking questions, don´t make them take the responsibility for the actions and allow them to continue their bad behavior. They act like the toddlers - no matter what people do, they can´t make the toddlers to admit that they painted all over the nursery room´s walls, even when the toddlers were caught red handed with the colors and pain brushes in their hands. Trying to get the justice in a war with the narcissistic individuals is a power struggle, World War III, surreal experience full of destructive pain. The dark triad predators are very egoistic - they expect people to take care of them but they are not willing to do the same for those people. The victims never ask the narcissistic predators for help or emotional support because they know they would never get it. The dark triad predators are never there for their beloved ones when they need them the most. Their closest people are being neglected, rejected and ignored in the times of need. As the dark triads see people only as their "servants", its inconvenient for them when the "servants" become sick or need a rest. God forbid if the "servants" have also some needs. Any normal human emotions are prohibited while living with the narcissistic predators. The "servants" suppose to be always healthy and ready to fulfill the dark triad´s needs or at least not bother them at all. The needs of the "servants" do not matter in their eyes. They might even express anger towards people for not supplying them with the narcissistic supply when they are sick and they will punish people with the silent treatment, revenge or by hurting them. The narcissists dehumanize and degrade people because they feel superior to everybody (including God).

The dark triad predators are hyper sensitive to criticism, hypocrites and easily angered.

They do not have any regards to other people´s feelings, they are insensitive and disrespectful to others but they expect people to treat them with respect. They are hypocrites, they expect people to do things for them and treat them in a positive way while they do not do and do not treat people in a positive way in reward. They expect to be treated like God for treating others like trash. The dark triads are hyper sensitive to criticism (real or imagined). Any slight criticism is considered to be a deadly insult and an attack and it angers them and even makes them explosive. On the other hand, they nonstop criticize others and expect others to be their emotional and psychological punching bag without a complain. They are hypocrites - they do to other people the exact same things they hate when people do to them. They are very revengeful individuals. They will literary burn your house down if you steal two french fries from their plate for fun. Their revenge is out of the proportions. The narcissists are hyper sensitive to criticism and its an invitation to war for them while psychopaths do not care what you say or do, you can´t trigger the psychopath. When you insult the narcissists, they will rage, when you insult the psychopaths, they will smile back without the reaction. All that matters to the psychopaths is that you do not stand in their way to their goals (money, power).

The dark triad predators fake empathy and they do not understand normal human emotions.

The narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths lack of emotional empathy, they are capable only of a cognitive empathy (known as "cold empathy" or fake empathy). They fake empathy, sympathy and in general all human emotions in an interaction with other people. They do not understand normal human emotions, they can only understand them in a logical cognitive way. They do not understand why would people be sad, emotional, happy or upset. They learnt to observe how people usually interact and react in the certain situations (body language, talk, self talk, etc). Then they apply the collected knowledge onto people connecting certain acting to certain "emotions" with logic. The narcissistic psychopaths do not understand why people cry, they are not capable to feel for other people, however, they observed that in such a situation they suppose to provide sympathy and compassion. But they can´t care less. They wear "mask of normalcy" everyday to appear normal to people while they are not normal. They also smile as a manipulative tactic to disarm people. They wear "the mask of niceness" and they use it against people as a weapon. They can´t feel happiness on the emotional level, but they fake it to blend into the society. Because they can "turn on and off" the "empathy", people feel often confused with their inconsistency with the emotions towards them. People feel confused when the narcissistic psychopaths show them empathy one minute and are deadly cold and callous the next minute. One minute the dark triads are caring, the other minute they are very cold and distant. People can´t put the finger on what is wrong - on one hand, the narcissistic psychopaths comfort them with the right empathetic words, on the other hand they feel that they do not care at all. People feel unheard and unseen. People never know where they stand with them because their emotions are not genuine. The dark triads use pseudo empathy to exploit others. They can fake cry one minute and laugh the next minute like nothing ever happened. In reality, the narcissistic predators are annoyed with people expressing their deep feelings and deep emotions, they do not understand why are people emotional. They get angry towards other people when those people express basic human needs or show normal human emotions. They often ignore people when they are in need of help or sick. The narcissistic predators are emotionally unsafe, emotionally dishonest and tremendously decrease an emotional well being of normal people who posses the empathy.

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