Sign 1: You are your true self and you live your life as you wish.
know you´re healed from the narcissistic abuse when you show up as your
true self. Unapologetically. You do not fear rejection because you don´t
seek the validation from other people. You don´t care what other people
say, do or think about you. You just do you. You love
yourself and you never reject your own self. You do not anymore live in a fear of persecution for being your
own self. You are just beautiful you. You are enjoying you. You are
doing exactly what you want to do with your life because it brings you
joy and you don´t care if people approve it or like it. You refuse to do what others want you to do or want you to be, you do what is in alignment with your true self. You say "No" often. You do not fear to shine like a
comet on the sky sharing with the world your true self. You don´t fear to be hated and disliked because you simply can´t be something else than yourself. You accept that some people does not like your real you.
Sign 2: Your energy is fearless, open and welcoming.
You know that you did NOT fully healed from the narcissistic abuse when you are
still shut down towards the world and you have closed energy. It is natural that when people hurts, they go into the hermit mode. You know you are fully healed from the narcissistic abuse when your energy becomes fearless, open and welcoming. Some people never manage to heal and therefore they will isolate themselves from the world for the rest of their lives. The right solution is to keep healing until you start feeling inner freedom, excitement, joy and life coming back to your veins and until you open again. Then you will slowly starting to come out of your cocoon. People often get very impatience with themselves, they force themselves out of the cocoon too soon. You know you are fully healed and ready when it feels natural for you to start coming out of the hermit mode. The excitement will come gradually. Little by little. You will start to have this urgent need to feel more joyful, to meet people and get out of the cocoon. When you are healed, you do not fear narcissists because you stepped into your own power. Now you can go wherever you want not caring if there are narcissists or not because you are strong and powerful. You feel freedom and you don´t allow anybody to limit or terrorize your life. Being fearless, open and welcoming does not mean that you wear pink glasses about the world. There are a lot of good people on this planet but there are also bad people on this planet. However, just because there are bad people on this planet, you don´t allow anybody to make you a prisoner in your own life. It´s about your inner safety. You feel safe with you and within you. You don´t seek safety in other people. You don´t allow other people to be a barometer of your inner safety. No matter what happens, you know you will take care of yourself. This knowing about how powerful you are make you walk this planet open feeling safe.
Sign 3: You vibrate on frequency of self- love. Self-love is the highest vibration.
Programming yourself with self-love is a part of your healing process. If you don´t love yourself, you will keep attracting the narcissists in the future. The narcissists are karmic teachers who are coming to your life to awaken you and teach you to love yourself. If you don´t love yourself, it means you still need this karmic lesson and that´s why they will keep coming to your realm. The narcissistic abuse is an ultimate karmic lesson of self-love. Once you love yourself, the karmic test is passed and the karma dissolves. Once you passed the karmic test, there is no reason for your karmic teachers to teach you. When you do not posses self-love, you will notice that everywhere you go, you feel attacked by the narcissists. You go to the grocery, the stranger treats you bad, you go home, your partner treats you bad, you go to work, your coworker treats you bad. It is because people treat you based on what energy you vibrate. People treats you the way you treat yourself. If you don´t love yourself or you hate yourself, everybody you meet will be just a mirror of your own vibration. Self-love is ultimately the highest vibration. Once you tap into this energy, you will notice that the narcissists magically disappear from your realm because the narcissists live only in the low vibration. In higher vibrations, people will treat you much better because you treat yourself much better. When you love yourself, the narcissists will feel this energy from you and they will run from you. The narcissists can sense your frequency. Nothing will be the same after they leave. They have to hurt you because otherwise you would not change.
Only when you are hurting, you are seeking healing. So, they needed to hurt you, otherwise you would not seek healing. Only when you end up in the darkness, you start to love and seek light.
You really never understand the value of light unless you fall into the
abyss of the darkness first. The narcissists point the finger on your wounds that have been inside of you way before the narcissists came to your life. Maybe, you met narcissistic partner and you realize that your parent is also a narcissist. The narcissistic lesson here is to heal the childhood trauma. The karmic lesson will be repeated until you will not heal the childhood trauma which means you will keep attracting the narcissistic partners who will be pointing the finger on your wound over and over again until you get it. The narcissists give you an opportunity to bring those wounds to your own awareness so you can heal those wounds. Karma can only dissolve when you decoded the message, when you passed the test. When you do not decode the message, the same situation and the same people (just in the different bodies) will be coming to your life repeatedly until you don´t get it. The abuse will be escalating, if not from one person than from other person because those people are only the messengers of the same message. The point is here to hand you the message, the messenger is not important. If it would not be Johnny, it would be Jerry. If you don´t have love for yourself, then every partner you meet will hurt you because they want to awake you to this message. They want you to start loving yourself. The karma is dissolved when you start to love yourself. Than the Universe can bring you your loving partner (True Twinflame) who will love you the same as you love yourself. Karmic partners are always bringing very painful lessons. Only when you go through a hurt, you will start to search for your own self. You know you healed from the narcissistic abuse when you have understood the message, healed yourself and you are no more angry to your teachers. You are thankful for your lessons and for your teachers. Everything happened for your highest good.
If you have the capacity to love, love yourself first. And never be with people who does not love themselves. When people does not love themselves, they will don´t know how to love you either.
Sign 4: You recovered your sweetness, innocence and kindness.
The empaths are known for their sweetness, innocence and kind nature. The narcissistic abuse kills a lot of these qualities in the empaths and those who did not fully finish healing turned into a bitter, angry raging machines. Passing the karmic lesson of self love is one of the hardest. You know you mastered this lesson when despite the brutality and hurt you went through, you don´t turn bitter IN THE END. You found your sweetness, innocence and also kindness inside of you again.
Never allow bad people to turn you into them. The aim of the narcissists is to turn you into their mirror so you will walk this planet just like them - hurting others, always angry, always bitter, always nasty. The victim´s hearts hardened after the narcissistic abuse. You can feel it in their vibration. Abused women loose their femininity, hurt females have always a strong masculine energy and a very toxic feminine energy. Hurt males posses either too much feminine energy or their masculinity turns into a toxicity and aggressiveness. You know you are healed when your energies are balanced - you posses 50% feminine energy and 50% masculine energy (this goes for both sexes). Feminine energy makes you nurturing, loving and beautifully vulnerable. The masculine energy makes you think rationally and be driven. You need both of these energies inside of you.
You know you are healed when you do not turn your hurt and suppressed anger towards innocent people who did not hurt you. Once you are healed, you are capable to think rationally. If you meet someone who is a bitch to you, you put them in their place. But you are kind to other innocent people. You know you did not heal yet when you are turning your anger against everybody without even considering who is who - you turn your anger towards bitches and innocent people equally.
♫ ♪ Youtube song Selena Gomez - Who Says
Sign 5: Your inner child starts to feel playful.
When our inner child is hurt, the little child in us is depressed. And depressed kids don´t want to play. You know you are healed, when you are in a playful energy. Your appetite to be productive and creative increased. You laugh often. Being playful is not childish neither shallow. We have to be playful to maintain our good mental health, to be curious, to allow ourselves to learn, try new things, to be happy or even successful in business.
Darling, give yourself a chance to live again. Love again. Be happy again. If you did not check all of the boxes above, it´s ok. Just continue on your healing journey. Eventually, you will get there. Stay open. Magic will happen. Magic happens to those who believe in miracles. 💫
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