Sinners narcissists vs. Empath-Anarchist Jesus Christ who was scapegoat of narcissistic family / Karma for codependents & narcissists / How alcoholics and narcissists regulate their negative emotions through scapegoats

The super empath Jesus Christ was a great example of a person who was clearly fighting his battle against the narcissists and he was later on killed by them. He was smear campaigned, he was scapegoated, he was mocked, provoked, shamed, he was a source of negative narcissistic supply. All the truth tellers are.

Jesus Christ did not sacrifice voluntary for the sins of the narcissists. He was literary forced against his will to do so, he was murdered and assassinated by the narcissists. Jesus was even murdered publicly as a warning to others what will happen to them if they will try to speak the truth too. The narcissists use all of the typical abusive techniques they used on Jesus to these days. All empaths who are going through the narcissistic abuse are going through exactly the same scenario as Jesus once did. This is a proof that the narcissists just never change. Whatever page in history books you open, its the same story over and over again. The narcissists are not capable to self-reflect on their sins, they are only capable to deflect and project those sins onto other people. The narcissists literary take their burdens and re-direct their burdens onto their victim´s shoulders so their victims carry the narcissist´s burdens instead of them. The same way as the narcissists forced the cross on Jesus Chris´s back. 

The narcissists are too weak to deal with their own issues so all narcissists need their scapegoats on whom they can project their sins to. The negative narcissistic supply sources are nothing else than a trash bin for the negative emotions of the narcissists. If the narcissists choose you to be the source of negative narcissistic supply, they will always come back to you every time they need to use you as their emotional regulator of their negativity and toxicity. They can disappear for 3 weeks and re-appear out of nowhere and the first thing you open the door for them, they will pick up the fight with you. Because they do not love you, they do not want any relationship with you, they don´t even started the argument to solve anything with you, there was not even any problem with you in the first place, they only came to you to dump on you their negativity through the argument and once their "emotional trash bin" is empty, they are gone again. They will return to you in the future when it will be the time for them to use you as the regulator of their negative emotions again. This is the main role of all the scapegoats. If you have been chosen to be the narcissist´s negative supply source, you are literary their own personal emotional garbage man. All you will ever do is to deal with their garbage.

The narcissists have very similar patterns to alcoholics when it comes to building the tension inside of them. Because the narcissists do not do any inner work to slowly and gradually remove their traumas out of their systems and on top of that they constantly collect more and more of the new narcissistic emotional injuries, karma and traumas as they are getting older, the narcissists are full of negative energy that is stuck inside of them. And because they do not posses the skills, tools and resources to work through their issues nor they want to repent and turn into the light (God), they are stuck in the cycle of building the tension, then "vomiting" the negative energy onto their chosen scapegoats, then they feel good for a while (while their scapegoats feel like a crap because their negative energy is now on the scapegoats), until the narcissists build the tension again, then they need to empty themselves by moving their tension onto others again and the cycle repeats endlessly. When you compare the cycle of the alcoholics with the narcissists, you will notice that the cycle of the alcoholics is very similar to the narcissist´s cycle. In the end, the alcoholics and the narcissists are all addicts and they are addicted to their own types of drugs (alcohol and narcissistic supply). Alcoholics cycle goes like this:

1. Building the tension - you know the alcoholics reached the peak of their tension when they start to pick the fights out of nowhere and for no reason. They start to walk around you like the nervous tigers in the little cages. And you know that this is a ticking bomb waiting to explode. Their trauma is rushing through their bodies producing a negative energy. Trauma will always drag people into the low vibration because trauma consist of negative energy. That´s why it is important for people who wants to move to the higher vibration to remove the trauma out of their systems. Because trauma will not go away itself. To remove the trauma, it requires an inner work / therapy. Which alcoholics never do. They mask the symptoms of trauma with the alcohol the same as normal people pop pills when they have a headache. Even normal people do not search for the reason why they have the headache 3 times a week. It is easier for them to just pop plenty of pills and not to take a time to search for the core of their health issues. The alcoholics did not resolve their core issue but they mask the symptoms. In the first stage of the cycle, the tension is slowly adding inside of them. For a better understanding, imagine the alcoholics to be a trash bin. They collect the negative energy into that trash bin. Once the trash bin is full, the tension is on its peak. And because they have a poor coping skills, they are going to explode (because the trash bin is now overflowing and it is too full).

2. Emptying "the tension trash bin" - The alcoholics will start to scream on their kids, they will beat their spouses, they will manufacture a nonsense argument as the excuse to leave their homes so they can go to the bars to drink the alcohol. All of their trauma, frustration, anger, rage are being emotionally regulated through other people (the scapegoats). By abusing the scapegoats, the alcoholics are emptying their "emotional trash bin" so they can feel relief. The trauma is masked with alcohol. At this stage, interesting transfernce of energies is happening - now the alcoholics hand their trash bins to their scapegoats, now the alcoholics stop being the trash bin because they transferred the trash bin to scapegoats, now the scapegoats become the trash bin carrying the negative energy. Now alcoholics are free from their issues while the scapegoats are carrying the alcoholic´s "baggage".

3. Make up stage - The alcoholics are nice to their families again. It´s time for a mini short period of love bombing, hoovering and golden period. Everything is fine for a while. Until the next tension.

4. The tension is here again - As we already mentioned, the trauma will not go away itself. The alcoholics emptied their trash bin but the trauma always return to be re-played and re-lived again so the trash bin will start to fill again. The tension is gradually accumulating again in the alcoholic´s "emotional trash bin". The more tension is being accumulated, the more tension the alcoholics feel and the more aggressive they become towards their beloved ones at home. Once the tension is at its peak, they blow up. Here we go again, the cycle repeats.

Does it sound familiar to you? Its the same with the narcissists. The narcissists use other people as the emotional regulators and punching bags for their own unresolved issues. Because they don´t know what to do with the overwhelming intensity of a great quantity of the negative emotions they have stuck inside of them, they have to dump it on someone else. This will bring them the relief. The scapegoats are their relief pain killer pills.

So, what is the karma for the codependents and the narcissists in this story? The karma for the codependents is that they have to learn how not to be that good. It is a paradox because usually people are trying to become good to receive a positive karma. But what to do when you are too good to the point that everybody exploits you? Then, you have to learn how to be bad. Sometimes, you have to grow balls to send others to fuck themselves. The codependents are in the karmic wheels with the narcissists because the codependents allow the narcissists to hand them their own karma. Now the codependents are dealing not only with their own karma but also with the narcissist´s karma while the narcissists are free of everybody´s karma running around like "happy go lucky" bunnies. But the narcissist´s karma is for the narcissists to learn, the narcissist´s karma is not for the codependents. The codependent´s karmic lesson here is to learn how to set the limits, how to set the healthy boundaries, how to start to love themselves, respect themselves and take care of their own well-being instead of taking care of other people´s well-being. The codependents have to learn how to walk away. Otherwise, the narcissists will never learn THEIR karmic lessons. And the codependents will never learn theirs. The codependents are not God to solving everybody´s problem. Because if they do, you can observe what happens: the narcissists dump their negative emotions onto the codependents. Now the narcissists feel relief and good. Now they feel at peace. But the codependents now turn from peaceful healthy people into the mess, they feel reckless, they feel sick, they soaked the bad energy out of the narcissists and transferred it onto them. Now the codependents carry someone´s else negative energy that is not even theirs. And the narcissists are free from their own bad energy shinning with the light like the bulb. The light they sucked out of the codependents. The narcissist´s crosses are not for the codependents to carry. 

Youtube song "Lose You To Love Me" - Selena Gomez

You are not Jesus. God can do a better job than you can do. So, leave it to God and remove yourself from the toxic situation. No worry, God is a big boy, He knows how to handle such a situations, He does not do it the first time. Do not help the narcissists, do not let them to regulate through you, do not pay for them, do not carry their crosses. You are not extension of anybody. You are an individual. Learn how to clearly see inside of you the line where you end and others begin. Do not mix those two together. The empaths soak up other people´s energy and emotions so you have to be very causious of not making other people´s energy, emotions and even mistakes your own. Overcome the shame, guilt and pain to see the narcissists crumble down. Once the narcissists will have nobody around them to transform them into their scapegoats, they will be forced to face their own issues and do something about them. Just like the drug addicts need to hit the rock bottom so they either make it or die. The only way how you can change the drug addicts is to let them to hit the rock bottom. Only intense pain can change them, only the pain can break their ego and mature them. Only when they have no choice than to fight for their own lives, they will start to move differently. But it will never happen if you will be always standing in the way. Do you want to bring the karma on the narcissists? Do not allow them to hand you their issues. This way you will maintain a good health, you will be full of prana energy, joy and strength. In the end, it is your prana energy and you should not give it to others. Others are responsible to produce their own prana energy. Don´t make other people´s problems to be your problems. The moment you become healthy, the narcissists will get sick. There will be nobody to dump their darkness on them and there will be nobody to suck the light out them. The narcissists will have no space and time to abuse others because they will be too busy with dealing with their own issues, collapses and problems. Because there will be nobody around them to do it for them. The narcissists have a plenty of time to waste on endless fun because their responsibility is always handed to the codependents. Make the narcissists busy by not solving their issues so they can be busy with their issues. Once the narcissists will become busy, they will not have any time to abuse others. This will exhaust the narcissists and they will have no energy to run around and do all the crazy things they do. Exhaust them. Or they will exhaust you. Its either you or them. Imagine that they will  not be able to empty the full "emotional trash bin" onto anybody else. They will be forced to enter the therapy to teach them how to deal with their negative emotions they have inside of them. You will be healthy and if the narcissists will chose to be healthy too, then they can make themselves healthy too. But it is their choice to make, not yours. You can make choices only for your own self.

From my personal point of view and opinion, I believe that Jesus Christ was one of the most misunderstood figures in the history. He was not a peacemaker. He was a rebellious anarchist. That´s why the king hunted him and wanted him dead. And that time, the religion and kings were hand in hand. It was basically the same institution. So, it seems that Jesus Christ was actually against the religion and the religious figures wanted him death. Jesus was not a religious man. He even never married and never had children. He was single childless dude. His life purpose was bringing the light (the truth) to this world. He was a light-worker. The truth teller. And he was not putting the serviette in front of his mouth. He was not bringing the hippie type of peace to this world as he is many times depicted by the mediocre masses. Jesus said:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set son against father, daughter against mother, daughter in law against daughter in law". (Matthew 10:34). 

What Jesus ment by this? If Jesus was alive in today´s world and he would have an access to the internet, he would already have a Youtube channel creating content about the narcissists and narcissistic abuse. He would be a spiritual teacher. Or a life coach. Or a psychiatrist. Or a therapist. He would heal the world with the truth. Because only the truth can set people free. He would use his mouth to tell the truth and he would do it in a very rebellious, sharp, direct and fire manner. His mouth would be his sword. By what he said he also ment that he did not respect people who live in a denial of the truth and he came to this Earth to help others to awaken to the truth about the narcissists and break the generational traumas within the narcissistic families. He was using whatever it took to do so, even his way was not polite or nice. He sent the message to all spiritually awakened people that going no contact with the narcissists (even they are your own family) is the right thing to do the same as every therapist specializing in cluster B type of the personality disorders would advice you too. We have the most karma with the family. Because it is the hardest to detach from them. Resolving the karma with your own family is the most painful journey. Jesus was ahead of his times. Even Buddha abandoned his own family because his family was sabotaging his spiritual awakening and his growing.

When family of Jesus came to see him, he refused to meet them with these words:

He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mark 3:33-35)

It seems like Jesus Christ was the scapegoat in his own narcissistic family. His mother was a covert type of the narcissist. They love to play the pity party and pulling the victim cards. It is very common that the scapegoats of the narcissistic families are the only truth tellers in the family unites and also the only awakened people of the family. No way a healthy man would not want to see his own healthy mother. If a healthy son did not want to see his mother, it can only mean that the mother was toxic. Jesus said:

“If anyone comes to me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple". (Luke 14:26)
These are the typical words of all scapegoats who were narcissistically abused within their own family. All abused scapegoats feel deep resentment towards their families. Especially the scapegoats who already awakened and understood what was done to them. The scapegoats see through the denial, evilness and lies of their families. And they don´t want to be part of that illusion, darkness and bad energy. The truth seekers do not ignore the elephant in the room. That´s why Jesus was so wise. That´s where he gained his knowledge. Because he lived through it. Jesus Christ lived through the narcissistic abuse. There is no way to have this type of a mindset when you were raised by a loving normal family.
Jesus explained that family blood means nothing. Even within family you can find Evil. Your mother can be the narcissist. Or even your sister. Or uncle. Jesus clearly believed that your family is only those who truly love God (light). Your brother and sister can become anybody who follow the light of God. And your brother and sister can´t be anybody who follow the Evil.

The last words of Jesus on cross before he died were: 

And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" 

Does this sound like someone who wanted voluntary die for someone´s else sins? Quite contrary. In Luke 14:27 he said: "And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple". Jesus Christ made it very clear that everybody is responsible for their own cross (their own traumas, issues, problems, karma) and only the strongest (those who take the responsibility for their own traumas, issues, problems, karma) can be his disciple. Why would Jesus said this and then sacrificed himself to carry millions and millions of the crosses of the narcissists? Jesus believed in a deep healing of the wounds and he would never allow anybody to spiritually bypass. The narcissists felt shame after they killed Jesus so they re-wrote the history. Jesus did not sacrifice for anybody´s sins. He was murdered. It was a cold blooded murder.

Satan was the first narcissist. Satan was originally an angel but he rebelled against God so he was expelled from heaven. God is like a mother. If mother is cleaning the whole house whole day, she changes the bed sheets and mops the floor, the mother does not allow the child to enter the house with the dirty shoes. If the child rebels against the mother and enter the house with the dirty shoes and jump on the newly exchanged bed sheets with those dirty shoes, the mother will take the child and throw him out of the house. Does the mother still love her child? Of course she does. But the mother will be strict with her parenting - the child either learn itself how to behave or the child has to stay out of the house. If the Satan would like to repent and get clean, God would open his doors to heaven again. But Satan does not want to repent and get clean, so he has to stay out of the heaven. God can´t afford to have his heaven dirty. Satan is full of pride and ego, Satan received the narcissistic injury so he now runs through the world playing the pity party turning people into his narcissistic minions. In order to enter the heaven, one must get clean from ALL of the addictions. Addiction to toxicity and negativity, addiction to codependency, addiction to other people, addiction to substances, addiction to material items, addiction to everything. One day, we all will leave our bodies and only our souls can travel to the next level reality, so one needs to learn themselves how to disengage and release everything that is physical and material. One needs to say goodbye to all stories we created in our heads, all attachments to our past, present and future that actually does not exist, it is an abstract and illusion. The Earth is purgatory, you will be stuck here until you clean yourself. You will be coming back to this place by reincarnation till you pay for your sins (karma), until you will come to the "karma zero" state. That´s why nobody should owe you no karma and you should not owe karma to anybody. Karma creates addictions and attachments. Karma is nothing else that the mirror to your inability to learn. Notice, people who has no karma are usually loners childless and single, just like Jesus. The more you clean your karma, the less you will be a part of the society because there will be no karma involved. When you do not have any karma, you do not have people in your life because there is nothing to resolve anymore with anybody. You can recognize the karma free people by being loners and they usually devote their lives to become light-workers helping others to get free from karma too. On the other hand, people with lot of karma are usually in a large groups because they have to resolve a lot of karma they have between them. Don´t be scare to walk alone. You are on the right path.

The narcissists were pathologically envious of Jesus Christ´s beautiful soul and they could not stand him. His light was irritating their demons. So, the narcissists smear campaigned him, they abused him, they psychologically bullied him, they humiliated him, they beat him until his whole face and body was covered in blood. Do you think that this kind of brutality would be ever done by other empaths? This kind of brutality is always done only by psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists. The narcissists gaslighted the history. What they really did was they forced their own sins onto Jesus against his will as all narcissists do. The narcissists always project and always blame shift. Because the narcissists never take any responsibility for their evil actions, their traumas, growing and negative emotions. For that reason, every narcissist needs his/her scapegoat. No empath would ever kill another human being, let alone such an evolved and kind man as Jesus. Empaths are very sensitive souls always willing to work on themselves, they want to grow and spiritually expand. The empaths would never kill Jesus. The empaths would sit in the restaurant with Jesus, they would maybe drink some beer (or vegan banana milkshake) and talk about all kind of very important topics on how to make this Earth a better place for everybody.
Jesus was a very open minded person. He did not see himself as "more than others". From his own words it is clear that he believed that people who follows his teaching can do the work he did even better than him. Fingers crossed for all people of light, therapists, light-workers, content creators on narcissism that this time the truth tellers will be not killed on the crosses. (And for all the narcissistic provocateurs who are silencing the truth tellers and light spreaders telling us that we do not have the license to be the therapists. Neither did Jesus. And it worked perfectly).

Jesus said: "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father". (John 14:12)
Anarchy time - "And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons". (Matthew 21:12)

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