Narcissism is just another word for energy vampires (Energy transference explained) / How to snap out from the narcissist´s matrix alternative reality & get out of the narcissist´s trap & break free from the vicious addictive cycle of the narcissistic abuse

This is your wake up call. This is your reality check. This is a kind reminder for you not to waste your time. You have been trapped in lunatic´s alternative reality for too long. The narcissists are the ultimate time wasters and life killers. They are the anti-life. It´s not enough to go no contact and "grey-rock" the narcissists. It´s important that you understand why you do what you do, why they do what they do and to understand what is "an alternative reality" so you can literary snap out of the pseudo-reality where your mind has been dragged into through the white rabbit´s hole and being held captive. Coming back to the reality after being around the narcissists and inside of their "illusion bubble" for long period of time feels literary like a trip back home from Wonderland  (and you are Alice) or some type of a video game where you are trying to find the exit from the matrix room. Being stuck in the narcissist´s "matrix bubble" feels like a bad dream you just can´t wake up from. It feels like a magic spell over you, you are just living in a weird trance state of mind. It feels like you are away from reality. It feels like a coma, you just "half-sleeping" your life away. 

You feel like you live your life with your eyes covered with a veil and it takes to really hit the rock bottom to have this veil removed from in front of your eyes and to see reality for what it really is. And once you touch the reality (finally!), make yourself a favor, do everything in your power to nurture the reality and stay away from the illusion (cold turkey!). No matter how much you will be suffering (just like heroin addict from whom the heroin was taken away), you have to overcome those struggles of "drug withdrawal" and continue to be gone. This time you can´t go back or you will die.

The narcissists are like the little hamsters in the hamster´s wheels that run fast going nowhere. They suffer from this disillusion that if they will run in that wheel in the middle of the cage fast enough and long enough, they will finally arrive on the real meadow. And they are so deep inside of their own phantasmagoria that they even infect you to think the same way. They make you run faster and faster together with them in the hamster´s wheel. After some time, you completely forget why are you running. You just run without thinking why you´re running. They sucked you into that little wheel to run with them in the circles. Now there are the narcissistic hamsters and you in that wheel dreaming about some non existent meadow. Its like following fata morgana in the middle of the desert. Don´t do it. You go nowhere. This is your wake up call. This is your reality check. You and the narcissists are in the cage together. Running in the hamster´s wheel. No matter how fast you will be circling in the wheel, there will be no reward, no destination to arrive, no medal for the endurance of the pain. The only result for you will be being stuck in the cage in the hamster´s wheel. That´s it. You have to get out. Because if you don´t, if you will be hanging around the lunatics long enough, you will become one of them - also a lunatic. "Lunaticism" is infectious.

There is no rational reason for you to fight the battle with the narcissists. When you are dealing with the narcissists, you do not deal with the rational people. You can have rational convos only with rational people. You will never resolve anything with the narcissists. If you ask them "What´s the time?", they will answer you: "Green". You will just get deeper into their illusion the more you fight. It will only waste your time. Don´t try to make it work, you are the only person putting the effort here into this. While you are running around like crazy reading all the books on narcissism, trying to find the couple therapist, while you are here searching for the solutions and articles about narcissism just to show those articles to the narcissists in hope they will magically wake up and stop being the narcissists, they just sit on the coach and laugh at you. You do everything in your power to help them and do the work instead of them while they do not even lift the finger to help their own selves. Because they don´t want to be helped. They want the servants who will serve them. They have zero plans to start to do the work their servants do for them. They will just manipulate their old servants to continue to do the work for them or they will find the new servants. Either way, they are not planning to put any work into the relationships or changes. You are alone in this. So, instead of helping them, help yourself. The narcissism is maladaptive disorder which means, they are not going to change. You just waste your time, your resources, your life on utterly selfish people who don´t love you and secretly hate you, you are helping narcissistic people with your good intention while these narcissistic people plot your downfall and have nothing just bad intentions towards you. Maladaptive daydreaming is a psychiatric condition. This condition causes intense daydreaming that distracts a person from their real life. You share the psychosis with the narcissists. On your expense, not theirs.

The narcissistic abuse is the most vicious cycle full of extreme toxicity that was ever invented on this planet. The negativity, drama and toxicity is highly addictive. The victims are addicted to this toxicity the same way as the heroin addicts are addicted to their drug. Literary, not metaphorically. The deeper you are spiraling into this vicious cycle, the more your are loosing the grasp of reality and the more you are entering the world of insanity. This is the most dangerous part of the narcissistic abuse - the narcissists are delusional individuals and they drag other normal people into their spiral of delusions. Being taken away from the reality is very dangerous. The more time spent in their illusions, the more and more you are being taken away from the reality. 

You have to snap out of that illusion! Their control is an illusion. Nobody controls you. They control you only by creating the illusion that they control you. But there is no real control here. You are a bird sitting in the cage with the wide open doors and its only a mind game of your own head that you can´t get out. And the narcissists are counting on this. They are malignantly sniffing out your fears and then they are turning your fears against you. They are turning you against yourself and making you your own enemy. Its you who has to conquer your own fears. It has nothing to do with the narcissists. They are just crazy individuals, the little hamsters in the wheels who are running in the circles of their delusions and fantasy, don´t believe what they present to you. You have to come back to reality, you have to pull your head out of that illusion. And once you start to feel at least a little reality again, nurture it, grow it, do what normal people do in their daily life because the life of the narcissists is full of lunatic nonsense and you just forgot how to live a normal life. The more you will stay in the reality and do the normal stuff, the more you will be able to actually see the reality. What you feed, grows. If you feed the illusions of the narcissists, the illusions grows. If you feed the reality, the reality grows. Choose wisely. The narcissists have personality disorder, they are literary out of their minds, they have unclean spirits, they will use all kind of techniques to manipulate you like the little demons. You have to understand the basic concept of the story as old as the Bible. The Satan will be sending your way deceptions trying to pull all kind of illusions on you to make you feel, believe and see things that actually does not exist. It´s a trap. The narcissists know they are trapping you, now you have to also realize that they are trapping you. 

The narcissists are literary the crabs in the bucket. They have "the crabs in the bucket mentality". If you put 20 crabs in the bucket, every-time one of those crabs almost get out of that bucket, the other crabs will pull him back with their claws. The narcissists are the crabs with their little dirty claws. They fear the most that you will realize that you are powerful and strong and you can actually make it out of that small bucket and find your freedom. They act like a confident people, but this is also an illusion, actually nobody is more fearful and scared than the narcissists. They are like the little kids who are scared to get out of the dark room but in the same time they don´t want you to go out of that dark room either because then they would be sitting there alone and it scares them. So, they manipulate you to sit there with them. You are so used to this small narcissistic bubble to the point you actually don´t even know you suppose to miss freedom because you forgot what it tastes like being outside that bubble. But once you only dip one finger into your freedom and you will remind yourself how amazing it feels, you will value your freedom more than anything in this world. Amazing things are waiting for you! Sometimes the thing that is holding you back is only all in your head. You are like the horse shackled to the lightweight plastic chair thinking you can´t move. But the horse is big and strong and the chair is small and light. Of course the horse can move! Its all the mind game! You have to conquer your own mind! 

The narcissists observed you, they exactly know what is triggering you. You have to learn your own triggers (what is triggering you). Because if your enemies know your triggers and you don´t know your own triggers, you will react on every BS and lose every-time. You will be like the dog chasing every single stick that someone throws your way. They don´t even mean what they say or do. They are just the machines for random words and actions. They just see that this and that is triggering you so they push those buttons. They love to make people upset. It´s like they have 300 buttons right in front of them and they try to push just random buttons to see which ones work in order to get a reaction out of you and once they know which buttons make you mad, they keep hitting that exact buttons again and again. There is no logic in how they choose the buttons. Its really only about their observation of you. If they figure out that you hate chocolate ice-cream and that is what triggers you, they will be buying you only chocolate ice-cream and then watching you being upset about it. If they observe that you hate blue color, then they will buy everything in blue color. If they observe that you are being jealous, then they will be cheat on you and parade with their new partners right in front of your eyes to make you mad. If they figure out that jealousy is something that does not trigger you at all, they will come up with something else. If they observed that you always wanted a cat, they will withhold from you the cat to upset you and they will buy the cat to the next romantic partner to make you even more upset It´s important that you stay absolutely non-reactive. Do not give them any chance to observe you. Do not give them any space and time for them to frustrate you. Go no contact, stay no contact. Deaf and blind. The more you give them the opportunities to start the arguments (you give them space, time, they see you are always open for the discussion, they know that you love to explain yourself), the more often they will come to you to start the arguments. The narcissists never go to people who are non-reactive. The narcissists always only choose people who they know they are always reactive. The narcissists have a "list of reactive people" to whom they always go when they need to regulate their emotions or to dump their  accumulated negative emotions on. They let the non-reactive people be, they have no use for them. So, you have to be non-reactive and you have to have strong boundaries. Don´t give them even the slightest opportunity to observe your triggers, meet you somewhere or start the conversation. The narcissists are very skilled at what they do, they manipulate since they were children. You can´t "over-fuck" the narcissists when it comes to manipulations because you are normal and you do not have the years of practice but they are master manipulators, they do it since they were little. They needed to learn how to manipulate as the copying strategy to protect themselves from their narcissistic parents and they also observed and learnt a lot from their narcissistic parents. You don´t even know how and they will smoothly suck you into their crazy sick mind games and you´re in, just like that!

Usually, the narcissists will use the "click bait tactic". They will throw something your way that they know very well that triggers you and through this trigger they will suck you into the argument (that will last for hours because you will try to defend yourself and explain yourself) and you are back in the cycle! They knew you will take that bait! For example, "the click bait" can be some hurtful comment that came from nowhere through the e-mail. They don´t even mean it, they don´t care what they say, the goal is only to suck you back to the cycle, suck you from your prana energy and extract the negative narcissistic supply. They knew you would react! They knew you will jump right into the defense and "lose" it. You will be trying to explain yourself like crazy but they don´t care about what you have to say or about what is "the point of the discussion". They will just smile and give you the narcissistic smirk thinking in their head: "Haha, I´ve got youuu, haha, I´ve upset youuu". There is really no other point in what they do. You will be desperately trying to solve the situation with them but they don´t care about the solution (in fact, it has no solution in the first place, they are just lunatics), they just enjoy to argue for the sake of arguing. They will not provide you with the solution on purpose because otherwise the solution would end the arguing. And they don´t want to end the arguing because ending the argument would make them lose the negative narcissistic supply and would take away the extraction of your prana energy. The best for them is if the argument last hours or months! If they would like to end the argument, they would do it hours, months, years ago with few simple sentences!

You have to stop running like crazy without the common sense following your uncontrolled emotions and triggers. Stop running fast nowhere without a plan. Stop emotionally react on everything that is thrown your way. Stop making random emotional decisions. You are in the war with the out of control lunatics, you can´t afford to run like the headless chicken to the left, to the right and act out of your random triggers. You have to  stop yourself and make a rational plan based on IQ and not based on EQ. If you stick to the IQ (facts), you are untouchable. If you operate from the EQ, they will always play you like a violin because you are emotional. And the emotions do not have brain cells. The worst thing you can do in the war with the narcissists is operate from the emotions. Your mind needs to be stronger than your emotions. 

You are putting your emotions into the hands of the most lunatic clowns on this planet and then you are wondering why your life is upside down. There you have your answer. You play with the lunatics. The only way to get out of the lunatic hamster matrix wheel is not to play at all and just get out and do not react on nonsense BS. Become non-reactive. Let those lunatics to continue to run in circles alone. You have to say it loud now: "I will not run with the  lunatics in the hamster wheel, it is ridiculous, all of this is absolutely nonsense and ridiculous, I am not doing it." You have to remove yourself from this toxic situation. Then, you have to enter your own little bubble for a while where you can have a quiet place for yourself and just go blind and deaf. You have to calm down and heal your nervous system, you have to be in your bubble of reality for a change, stay there no matter what till your nervous system calms down. The more you will be away from the circus, the more you will think and feel clearly. You can´t think clearly while you are still in the middle of the eye of a hurricane. You have to first get away from the hurricane. You will not solve your situation or do any rational decisions while you are in a panic mode in the middle of the storm. You have to also repair your "emotional GPS" to start to function normally again. Otherwise, you will be running like a headless chicken with all over the place emotions. And your enemies will take an advantage of your emotional injuries and a bad mental health. Stay away from unstable people and unstable environment.

Lets say you run the business. And your business partner is 10 years old child. Imagine that you give 200 dollars into the hands of that 10 years old child. What do you think the child will do with it? A serious business? He will run to the first candy store and buy lot of candy and then he will run to the toy store and buy the most ridiculous and needless items he can find there. And you can´t be angry to that child. He is a child! Its on you because you want to run a serious business like a queen or a king but you put your business into the hands of the children, the lunatics, the local clowns from the circus. So, whose mistake it is? Yours or the children, lunatics and clowns? The children do what the children always do. The clowns just do what the clowns always do. The lunatics do what the lunatics always do. Don´t expect to put your life in the hands of the clowns and don´t end up in the circus. The only way how to stop being played by the clowns is to leave their circus. The more you will be playing and reacting, the deeper you will be invested and lost in that matrix. Every fight, every argument, each nonsense, you will get deeper and deeper into that madness. And your goal is not going deeper into that madness, your goal is to get out of that madness. Start to walk into the right direction.

When the narcissists will see that you are pulling away, they will go into the panic mode. They will come full force on abuse. They will try 1000 various tactics how to trigger you. You have to ignore all of that. Cold turkey. Poker face. "I don´t give a shit" attitude. No matter how ridiculous those provocations will be, no matter how many or how long. If you will ignore them long enough, the narcissists will finally swim away. If they keep calling you 50 times and they know for a fact that if they call you 51st time, you will always pick up the call that 51st time, they will always call you 51 times. It´s important to ignore all of their attempts and provocations, even it takes longer period of time to get them off your back. Eventually, they will get bored and let you be. The narcissists never stick around "boring" people because they need drama, negativity and attention to feed themselves and if they don´t get it from you, they have no use for you.

The narcissists are like the quick sand, the more you move, the more you will be trapped. The longer you will stay, the deeper you will get into that sand. Put your ego aside. If not for any other reason, pull away at least for the understanding that time is the greatest gift we have been given by the Universe. You have limited time on this planet. What if you have only 3 weeks left to live? Or 5 years? Nobody knows how much time we have been given. Every minute counts. You can´t really get the time back once it is gone. You deserve spending your time with much nicer activities and much nicer people than crying, hoping, waiting, arguing, fixing and dealing with nasty individuals. It´s not life. Its a misery and a prison. You deserve not being stressed, you deserve to be cherished and loved properly. Abuse is not love. Do not bash yourself for anything that happened in the past. Past does not exist anymore. Focus only on your future. The only things that you can take from your past to your future is the knowledge. Now you are wise. So, you actually did not waste your time. You learnt a lot.

The narcissists make you feel like there is something to fight for and there will be some resolution and "happy end" in the end of the story waiting for you. But this is all only a TRAP. They want you to think that there will be some kind of a reward in the end for you. But it will be not. There is nothing to fight for. No reason to stay or wait. There is no destination to arrive to. People desperately trying to solve this riddle, to find "the reason" but there is really no reason at all for what they do to you. People are giving them too much credit. The reality is that they are just simply retards. There is nothing "meaningful" behind it, they don´t have "a goal". They just waste their and your´s time on nonsense. The reason is that they are disordered. The normal people´s hobbies are baking, cooking, gardening. The narcissist´s, sociopath´s and psychopath´s hobbies are triggering, upsetting and fucking people over. They do not think clearly because their personality is disordered, their minds think differently than the minds of normal healthy people, they have racing thoughts in their heads that do not make much sense neither to themselves, not alone to other normal people. They have no empathy so what they do is definitely not out of love for you, they don´t feel love. They have disordered emotions, their "emotional GPS" is broken so whatever triggers them (and it can be really completely anything, even anything irrational for rational people), they just start to chase it like a plastic bag in the air when its windy outside. Ask the narcissists these questions: "who you are?" and "what you do?" and "why you do it"? and you will see that for all of those three questions the answer will be always "I don´t know". Any time spent on the narcissists is wasted time. Understand the difference between wasting time and investing time. Wasting time is arguing with someone about nonsense without any resolution. Investing time is baking and making nice cakes, going to the gym and make your body strong and healthy, starting business and putting your money in order. Playing the games with the lunatics is not productive for you. Productivity is important. No matter how hard you will fight this battle, no matter how good you will fight this battle, the point here still is: you fight with the LUNATICS. You must really let this sink in - the narcissists are crazy lunatics with zero GPS and if you play long enough with them, you will become also crazy lunatic with broken GPS. They will turn you into one. There is no prize to win if you play. Nobody will give you a medal. If you lose, you lose. But if you win, you also lose. Start to move in a positive direction because one day you will look back and the only thing you will really regret is the time you wasted. You will not regret losing the narcissists (maybe in the middle of the healing journey it does not feel like it but once you will be fully healed, you will be very glad they are gone but you will also mourn the time you wasted). You will regret the wasted time. Nobody will give you the time back. The time is the most valuable thing you have. When its gone its gone. The time is more valuable then the diamonds. Wasting time on narcissists is literary like opening the window and throwing your time out of the window. What a waste! The healing process is a long journey, don´t make it longer than is necessary.

And its not that you are weak because you "lost the battle" or because you´re "leaving the battlefield". Its not that you fear someone or that you are scared to fight the narcissists. Its that there is really nothing to fight for in the first place. You have to understand there is no prize to win. So, why would you fight for something if there is nothing positive for you to gain? To fight just for the sake of fighting is ridiculous. It only drains you from your energy and you need the energy to build your new life, not to fight the old life. But most importantly, its about your precious time. Too many victims are fighting the old instead of building the new. They get stuck in the cycle of the old energy. The more you will nurture and grow the new energy, the more it will pull you away from the old energy. That´s the only logical, the only right and the only for you positive way to go. Anything else is for you destructive, time wasting and non productive.

This experience really can´t teach you anything else than self-love and self-respect. That´s the karmic lesson here - to fight with the narcissists for your value and through this exhausting battle finding your own value. This is the only real gain for you here. Its very easy to get lost in the narcissist´s ILLUSION. Therefore, you have to cultivate an ultimate discipline to stick to the REALITY and stay in that reality no matter what. Be rational. Where is fantasy there is no reality. These two things contradict each other. You can choose only one of them. Stop projecting your normalcy onto abnormal people. Its good to gain the knowledge on narcissism, but don´t make it a priority. Make also priority to focus on you (not on the narcissists what they do, how they do, why they do it, etc). Focus on you - what you do, why you do it, how you do it. The narcissists are extreme personalities. They are the lunatics, they will never come up with some rational solution so don´t expect them to come up with anything normal. It will be always only a nonsense. The normal people always do everything in their power to find positive solution, to fix the issue, to save the situation. Not the narcissists. They do the opposite. You fix, they break. You search for solution, they run from solution, they just want to create havoc for fun. They will never give you the solution, closure or real answer no matter how long or hard you will be trying, it would take away the narcissistic supply away from them. You are only an object to them to be used and feed of. They do not see you as a human being. They feel sadistic pleasure in seeing you chasing them and begging them to solve the unresolved issues. That´s why they do it. Make yourself a favor and don´t argue with them. They will keep mumbling their nonsense, you will never get a real answer out of the liars, lunatics and demons. They love to frustrate their victims. That´s their ultimate goal. You are trying to bring the peace, they are trying to bring the havoc. You and the narcissists, both, are here for the different reason.You literary letting a crazy mentally ill people dictate your life, reality and feelings. Don´t do it. Don´t allow it.

The narcissists are triggering you with random triggers like lunatics to get a reaction out of you because its fun for them. Its fun for them to see you running like a headless chicken all of a sweat, stressed and they just sit on the couch, eat the popcorn and laugh at you. The truth is that there is no real "goal" behind what they do. They just enjoy random havoc. Would you go to the mental hospital and ask schizophrenic patients why they do what they do? They have diagnosis for that. The same like the narcissists. They feel satisfied with a fact that with such a little effort they made you go nuts so much. They love how you self-sabotage and self-destruct with literary little effort from their side. They just say one or two random sentences that even does not make any sense and you go and destroy your own self. What a fun.....! But good news! The narcissists are also self-sabotaging and self-destructing themselves, just remove yourself from the circus and give it a time. Time is a factor here. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. They destroy themselves every single time. They are destructive to other people but they are destructive to themselves even more. There is no narcissist in the world with happy ending. No need for a revenge. Let their destructive disorder, time and karma do its job. All you have to do for them to destroy themselves is get out of their destructive path so they will not accidentally run you over with their bus when they will be rolling towards their destiny.

The narcissists are energy vampires. People are trying to use science on this basic retards. But true is that the narcissists are the energy vampires. The answer is really that simple. That´s why people after the interaction with the narcissists feel exhausted, sick and drained. Because everything is about energies and vibrations. Its not a coincidence that the narcissists always start the arguments out of nowhere with people and after the arguments they feel energized and the victims feel drained. Its because the narcissists don´t know how to produce their own prana energy so they have to suck others of theirs. Its a great misconception that the energy vampires can suck you from your energy anytime they want to. Actually, they can suck you out of your energy ONLY when you allow them. They are basically the Dracula vampires. They knock on your doors and if you do not invite them in, they are not allowed to go through your doors. Its not that they are taking the energy from you, you are voluntary giving your energy to them! How? Simply because you argue with them, you give them the time and your attention, you let them to emotionally dysregulate you, you think about them, you pick up their call, etc. That all is an energy transference. The narcissists are not takers, they are actually only receivers. Nobody can touch your energy if you don´t allow it or if you don´t freely and voluntary give it to them. If you give it to them for free, of course they will take it. So, stop giving to them! Stop giving your life force for free to others. Narcissists or not. As a first step to change this, stop playing a victim. Every-time you see yourself as a victim, you are taking your own power away. You basically say to your own self: "I am powerless". You have to change your mind set and start to think like a warrior and it will bring your power back to you. You have your life under your control, nobody else.

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